How to Migrate Data from SQL Server to Snowflake

Published: May 30, 2024 - 10 min read

Hannah Recker
how to migrate data from sql server to snowflake

Are you looking to move your data from SQL Server to Snowflake? Migrating to Snowflake opens up a world of possibilities for your data, with unparalleled scalability, performance, and flexibility.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of migrating your data from SQL Server to Snowflake, exploring multiple methods and best practices.

Why Migrate from SQL Server to Snowflake?

There are several compelling reasons to migrate from SQL Server to Snowflake:

  • Snowflake uses a schema-less approach that makes it easy to store and query data without predefined schemas, unlike SQL Server’s rigid relational model.
  • Snowflake’s cloud architecture enables independent scaling of compute and storage, providing flexibility to handle workload variations that SQL Server’s shared-disk architecture lacks.
  • Snowflake’s data sharing capabilities and support for structured and semi-structured data offer advantages over SQL Server for modern analytics use cases.

Before You Migrate: A Checklist

Before embarking on the migration journey, there are a few crucial steps to take:

  1. Analyze your SQL Server data in-depth to understand the structure, dependencies, and potential migration challenges.
  2. Provision a Snowflake account and get familiar with the platform’s core concepts and architecture.
  3. Evaluate the available data extraction and loading methods and choose the approach that best fits your data volumes, frequency, and transformation needs.

Migrating Data from SQL Server to Snowflake: 4 Methods

Method 1: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

ssis sql server integration services

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and transformation solutions. With its graphical interface and wide range of built-in tasks and connectors, SSIS is a powerful choice for migrating data from SQL Server to Snowflake.

  1. Configure an ADO.NET connection in SSIS to connect to your SQL Server database and a Snowflake ODBC connection to your Snowflake account.
  2. Create an SSIS package with a data flow task that extracts data from SQL Server, applies necessary transformations, and writes to a Snowflake stage using the Snowflake destination component.
  3. Execute the SSIS package to perform the initial data migration and configure it to run on a schedule for incremental loads.


  • Leverages existing SSIS skills and allows reuse of existing packages
  • Supports complex transformations during data movement
  • Provides a visual, drag-and-drop interface for designing data pipelines
  • Integrates with SQL Server Agent for scheduling and automation


  • Requires installation and licensing of SSIS and Snowflake ODBC driver
  • Can be resource-intensive and challenging to scale for large data volumes
  • May necessitate refactoring of existing SSIS packages to adjust for Snowflake data types and syntax
  • Lacks real-time or continuous ingestion capabilities

Method 2: Snowflake Connector for Kafka

snowflake connector for kafka

The Snowflake Connector for Kafka is a powerful solution for streaming data from Kafka topics into Snowflake tables in real-time. By capturing changes from SQL Server and publishing them to Kafka, you can establish a low-latency pipeline for continuously migrating data to Snowflake.

  1. Install and configure the Snowflake Connector for Kafka, linking it to your Kafka cluster and Snowflake account.
  2. Create a Kafka producer to publish SQL Server change data to a Kafka topic. This can be done using the Debezium SQL Server CDC Source Connector or custom CDC logic.
  3. Define a Kafka Connect Snowflake Sink that maps the fields from the Kafka record value to Snowflake columns and specify the target table.
  4. Launch the Kafka Connect cluster, configure the SQL Server source and Snowflake sink, and let it stream changes continuously from SQL Server to Snowflake.


  • Enables real-time, event-driven data loading with low latency
  • Handles schema evolution by automatically propagating schema changes from Kafka to Snowflake
  • Supports fault-tolerant, exactly-once semantics to ensure data consistency
  • Integrates with stream processing frameworks for in-flight transformations


  • Requires a Kafka environment and specific expertise to implement and manage the real-time pipeline
  • Necessitates upfront work to configure change data capture from SQL Server to publish to Kafka
  • Introduces additional infrastructure components to provision and maintain
  • May have higher cost and complexity compared to batch-oriented methods

Method 3: Snowpipe

configure cdc from sql server to kafka

Snowpipe is a continuous data ingestion service built into the Snowflake platform. By loading data from files staged in cloud storage, Snowpipe offers a simple and scalable method for migrating data from SQL Server to Snowflake.

  1. Extract data from SQL Server tables or query results into text files, such as CSV or JSON.
  2. Upload the data files to a cloud storage location, like Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage, that Snowflake can access.
  3. Create an external stage in Snowflake that points to the cloud storage location and file path where you staged the data files.
  4. Define a Snowpipe using the CREATE PIPE command, specifying the target table and external stage, file format options, and copy frequency.
  5. Snowpipe will automatically detect new files staged to the external stage and load them into the target table based on the defined schedule.


  • Simplifies data loading by automatically detecting and loading new data files
  • Scales to handle large volumes of data by loading files in parallel
  • Supports loading semi-structured data formats like JSON, Avro, and XML
  • Integrates with third-party ETL and data integration tools


  • Requires extracting data from SQL Server into staged files, which can add complexity
  • May not be suitable for real-time or streaming ingestion needs
  • Necessitates access permissions and integration with cloud storage services
  • Can incur additional storage costs and egress charges for cloud storage

Method 4: Coefficient for Data Analysis and Collaboration

While not technically a true data migration solution, Coefficient is perfect for quickly moving data from SQL Server and Snowflake.

By democratizing data access and enabling collaborative, spreadsheet-driven analysis, Coefficient complements your Snowflake migration by putting data in the hands of business experts.

Step 1. Install Coefficeint

Before getting started, install Coefficient for your spreadsheet. It only takes a few seconds, and you only have to do it once.

Step 2: Import Data from MS SQL Server

Open the Coefficient Sidebar. Click on the menu icon and select “Connected Sources.”

connect any data source to spreadsheets with coefficient

Search for MS SQL and click “Connect”.

connect sql server to google sheets or excel

Enter the required fields (Host, Database name, Username, Password, and Port).

complete sql server connection

Step 2. Import Data from Microsoft SQL Server

After connecting, click “Import from…” > “MS SQL Server”.

Select “From Tables & Columns”.

import sql server data into spreadsheets with coefficient

Pick the schema and tables you want to import data from.

select sql server table to migrate

Once you select a table, the fields will appear in a list on the left side of the Import Preview window. To include fields in your import, check the corresponding boxes.

select sql server fields to migrate

Customize your import by applying filters, sorts, or limits.

import sql server data to google sheets excel

Click “Import” to load the data into your spreadsheet.

complete sql server data import

Step 3: Connect to Snowflake

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Open the Coefficient Sidebar. Click on the menu icon and select “Connected Sources.”

connect any data source to spreadsheets with coefficient

Search for Snowflake and click “Connect”.

connect snowflake to sql server through spreadsheets

Enter your account credentials (Snowflake Account Name, Database Name, Username, Password, and Warehouse Name) to complete the connection.

Step 4: Prepare Your Data

Ensure your spreadsheet is organized with a header row that matches the Snowflake table fields and is ready for export.

Step 5: Start the Export Process

In the Coefficient sidebar, click on “Export to” and select “Snowflake.”

export sql server to snowflake

Choose the tab and the header row containing the Snowflake field headers. Coefficient automatically selects the sheet you have open, but you can choose a different tab if needed.

select snowflake data table

Select the table in your database that you want to update.

insert data from sql server into snowflake

Then select “Insert” from the drop-down.

migrate data from sql server to snowflake

Map the sheet columns to Snowflake table fields and click “Save”

map fields from sql server to snowflake

Review and confirm your settings. Click

export data from sql server to snowflake

Highlight the rows in your sheet that you need to export.

    select sql server rows to migrate to snowflake

Confirm the rows to update and commit the changes. Note that these actions cannot be undone.

complete row selection
  • Records that have been updated will have the export status and the date/time stamp of the update in your Sheet.
    confirm migration from sql server to snowflake
  • Handling SQL Dialect Differences

    One significant challenge when migrating from SQL Server to Snowflake is adapting to the differences in SQL dialects between the two platforms. Some key differences to be aware of include:

    • Data type variations: Snowflake supports a more limited set of data types compared to SQL Server. For example, Snowflake does not have a DATE type, using TIMESTAMP instead. Some types like DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET may need to be converted to Snowflake equivalents.
    • Function and operator differences: Many SQL Server functions and operators have different names or signatures in Snowflake. Common examples include LEN() vs LENGTH(), SUBSTRING() vs SUBSTR(), and ISNULL() vs NVL().
    • Procedural code: Snowflake does not support stored procedures, functions, or triggers written in Transact-SQL. Instead, Snowflake provides support for stored procedures and user-defined functions written in JavaScript, Java, or Scala.
    • Unsupported features: Some SQL Server features, like IDENTITY columns, sequences, and MERGE statements, are not available in Snowflake and may require workarounds or alternative approaches.

    To navigate these differences and ensure your SQL code is compatible with Snowflake, consider these strategies:

    1. Thoroughly review Snowflake’s SQL reference documentation to understand the supported data types, functions, and syntax.
    2. When migrating existing SQL Server stored procedures or complex queries, analyze and rewrite the code to use Snowflake-compatible functions and syntax.
    3. Utilize code conversion tools like the Snowflake SQL Translator or third-party tools to automatically convert SQL Server SQL dialects to Snowflake-compliant code.
    4. Test and validate your converted SQL code thoroughly in Snowflake to ensure expected functionality and performance.

    Post-Migration Optimization

    Once you’ve successfully migrated your data from SQL Server to Snowflake, it’s crucial to optimize your Snowflake environment for peak performance and cost-efficiency. Key strategies include:

    Optimizing Table Design and Query Performance

    • Use Snowflake’s automatic clustering to co-locate related data and improve query performance by minimizing data scans.
    • Analyze query profiles to identify slow-running queries and optimize them by rewriting inefficient code, adding filters, or restructuring joins.
    • Materialize frequently accessed result sets into new tables to speed up repeat query performance.
    • Partition data by date or category columns to enable partition pruning and limit data scans.

    Rightsizing Compute Resources

    • Choose the appropriate size and number of Snowflake warehouses for your workloads to balance performance and cost.
    • Use multi-cluster warehouses to scale resources elastically based on concurrency needs.
    • Implement Snowflake Resource Monitors to track credit usage and alert on unexpected spikes.
    • Suspend warehouses when not in use to avoid consuming credits during idle time.

    Implementing Security Best Practices

    • Use role-based access control to govern user and application permissions on databases, schemas, tables, and views.
    • Implement multi-factor authentication and federated SSO to strengthen access controls.
    • Encrypt sensitive data using Snowflake’s encryption features and manage keys securely.
    • Use Snowflake Access History to monitor and audit user and application activity.

    Establishing Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance

    • Implement Snowflake’s Account Usage and Query History dashboards to monitor workload and user activity.
    • Use third-party tools or Snowflake-provided connectors to integrate Snowflake metrics with your monitoring stack.
    • Regularly review and optimize table structures, data distribution, and clustering keys.
    • Archive cold data to lower-cost storage tiers like Snowflake’s Fail-safe or a cloud storage service

    Start Your Snowflake Migration Journey Today

    Migrating from SQL Server to Snowflake is a significant undertaking, but one that pays dividends in terms of scalability, flexibility, and performance for analytics workloads. By following this guide and leveraging tools like Coefficient, you can simplify the migration process and start realizing value from Snowflake faster.

    Ready to supercharge your Snowflake migration and experience the power of your data cloud? Sign up for Coefficient’s free trial and start moving data today – no engineering favors needed.

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    Hannah Recker Growth Marketer
    Hannah Recker was a data-driven growth marketer before partying in the data became a thing. In her 12 years experience, she's become fascinated with the way data enablement amongst teams can truly make or break a business. This fascination drove her to taking a deep dive into the data industry over the past 4 years in her work at StreamSets and Coefficient.
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