Customer Lifetime Value Calculator

Measure the lifetime value for your customer

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Formula for LTV

LTV = Average Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) per Customer × Average Customer Lifespan (in months)

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is a pivotal metric that quantifies the total revenue a company can expect from a single customer throughout their subscription lifecycle. LTV is especially crucial in SaaS due to the recurring revenue model and the emphasis on customer retention and long-term value.

Calculating LTV in SaaS

  1. Determine Average MRR per Customer: Calculate this by dividing the total monthly recurring revenue by the total number of customers.
  2. Estimate Average Customer Lifespan: This is the average period a customer continues to subscribe to the service, typically measured in months or years.

Importance of LTV

LTV is crucial for SaaS businesses for several reasons:

  • Forecasting Revenue: It predicts long-term revenue and helps in financial planning and forecasting.
  • Customer Retention Focus: Due to the subscription model, increasing customer lifespan directly impacts LTV and overall profitability.
  • Pricing Strategy: Understanding LTV assists in making informed decisions about subscription pricing and package structures.
  • Investor Attraction: High LTV is a strong indicator of business health and scalability, crucial for attracting investors.

Example: LTV Calculation for a SaaS Company

Imagine a SaaS company offering project management tools with an average MRR of $50 per customer. If the average customer subscribes for 2 years (24 months), the LTV would be:


This means each customer, on average, contributes $1,200 in revenue over their lifecycle with the company.

Strategies to Increase LTV in SaaS

  1. Enhance Customer Experience: Improving product features and customer support to increase customer satisfaction and retention.
  2. Implement Upselling and Cross-Selling: Encouraging customers to upgrade to higher-tier plans or purchase additional services.
  3. Optimize Pricing Models: Developing pricing strategies that align with customer value perception and usage patterns.

Limitations and Considerations of LTV in SaaS

  • Predictive Challenges: Estimating average customer lifespan can be speculative, especially for new SaaS companies without extensive historical data.
  • Market and Competition Dynamics: SaaS markets are often volatile, with rapid changes in technology and competition affecting customer preferences and LTV.
  • Balancing CAC and LTV: It’s crucial to consider the cost of acquiring customers (CAC) alongside LTV to ensure sustainable growth.
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