JSON Data Parsing in Snowflake: A Comprehensive Guide

Last Modified: September 19, 2024 - 11 min read

Julian Alvarado

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a standard format for storing and transmitting semi-structured data. As data volumes grow, efficiently parsing and analyzing JSON data is crucial for data professionals. Snowflake offers robust capabilities for handling JSON, enabling efficient data extraction and analysis.

This guide will provide you with the knowledge and techniques to effectively parse JSON data in Snowflake, covering basic concepts, advanced techniques, and practical applications.

JSON 101: Understanding the Fundamentals

The Anatomy of JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight, text-based data format that’s both human-readable and machine-parsable. Its structure consists of key-value pairs and arrays, making it ideal for representing complex, hierarchical data.

Here’s a quick refresher:


  “name”: “John Doe”,

  “age”: 30,

  “skills”: [“SQL”, “Python”, “Data Analysis”],

  “address”: {

    “city”: “San Francisco”,

    “state”: “CA”



How Snowflake Handles JSON

Snowflake treats JSON data as a first-class citizen:

  1. VARIANT Data Type: Snowflake stores JSON as a VARIANT, a flexible data type that can hold any valid JSON structure.
  2. Automatic Schema Detection: Snowflake can automatically infer the structure of your JSON data, making it easy to query without predefined schemas.
  3. Native JSON Functions: Snowflake provides a rich set of functions for parsing, querying, and manipulating JSON data.
  4. Optimized Storage: JSON data is compressed and optimized for storage and query performance.

JSON in the Business World

JSON’s flexibility has made it ubiquitous in modern data ecosystems:

  • API Responses: Most web APIs return data in JSON format.
  • NoSQL Databases: Document stores like MongoDB use JSON-like structures.
  • IoT Devices: Sensor data is often transmitted as JSON payloads.
  • Log Files: Application logs frequently employ JSON for structured logging.

PARSE_JSON: Snowflake’s JSON Swiss Army Knife

Snowflake’s PARSE_JSON function is the cornerstone of JSON data manipulation. It transforms a JSON string into a VARIANT data type, enabling you to query and manipulate JSON data using SQL.

SELECT PARSE_JSON(‘{“name”: “John Doe”, “age”: 30}’) AS parsed_json;

This seemingly simple function unlocks a world of possibilities for working with JSON in Snowflake.

Parsing Simple JSON Structures in Snowflake

Extracting Data from Flat JSON Objects

Let’s start with a basic example of extracting values from a flat JSON object:

WITH json_data AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(‘{“name”: “John Doe”, “age”: 30, “city”: “San Francisco”}’) AS user_info



  user_info:name::STRING AS name,

  user_info:age::INT AS age,

  user_info:city::STRING AS city

FROM json_data;

This query demonstrates three key concepts:

  1. The colon (:) operator for accessing JSON properties
  2. The double-colon (::) operator for type casting
  3. Aliasing extracted values for clarity

Querying and Filtering JSON Data

Snowflake allows you to use JSON properties in WHERE clauses, enabling powerful filtering capabilities:

WITH users AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(column1) AS user_data


    (‘{“name”: “Alice”, “age”: 28, “role”: “Data Scientist”}’),

    (‘{“name”: “Bob”, “age”: 35, “role”: “Data Engineer”}’),

    (‘{“name”: “Charlie”, “age”: 42, “role”: “BI Analyst”}’)



  user_data:name::STRING AS name,

  user_data:age::INT AS age,

  user_data:role::STRING AS role

FROM users

WHERE user_data:age::INT > 30

  AND user_data:role::STRING LIKE ‘%Engineer%’;

This query filters users based on age and role, demonstrating how to combine JSON parsing with traditional SQL operations.

Best Practices for Handling JSON Data Types

  1. Use Appropriate Type Casting: Always cast JSON values to the correct data type (e.g., ::INT, ::FLOAT, ::BOOLEAN) to ensure proper comparisons and calculations.
  2. Leverage VARIANT Type: When working with complex JSON structures, consider storing the entire JSON object as a VARIANT type and extracting specific fields as needed.
  3. Handle Null Values: Use the COALESCE function or NVL to provide default values for missing JSON properties.


  COALESCE(json_data:optional_field::STRING, ‘N/A’) AS optional_field

FROM your_table;

Navigating Nested JSON Structures in Snowflake

Tackling the Nested JSON Challenge

Real-world JSON data often contains nested objects and arrays. Let’s explore techniques for handling these complex structures.

Accessing Nested Fields with PARSE_JSON

Consider this nested JSON structure:


  “user”: {

    “name”: “John Doe”,

    “contact”: {

      “email”: “john@example.com”,

      “phone”: “555-1234”


    “preferences”: {

      “notifications”: {

        “email”: true,

        “sms”: false





To access deeply nested fields, chain the colon operators:

WITH nested_json AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(column1) AS user_data


    “user”: {

      “name”: “John Doe”,

      “contact”: {

        “email”: “john@example.com”,

        “phone”: “555-1234”


      “preferences”: {

        “notifications”: {

          “email”: true,

          “sms”: false







  user_data:user.name::STRING AS name,

  user_data:user.contact.email::STRING AS email,

  user_data:user.preferences.notifications.email::BOOLEAN AS email_notifications

FROM nested_json;

Flattening Nested JSON with LATERAL VIEW and FLATTEN

For complex nested structures, especially those with arrays, the FLATTEN function combined with LATERAL VIEW can be a game-changer:

WITH json_array AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(column1) AS order_data


    “order_id”: “12345”,

    “customer”: “Alice”,

    “items”: [

      {“product”: “Widget A”, “quantity”: 2, “price”: 9.99},

      {“product”: “Gadget B”, “quantity”: 1, “price”: 24.99}





  order_data:order_id::STRING AS order_id,

  order_data:customer::STRING AS customer,

  f.value:product::STRING AS product,

  f.value:quantity::INT AS quantity,

  f.value:price::FLOAT AS price

FROM json_array,

LATERAL FLATTEN(input => order_data:items) f;

This query flattens the nested “items” array, creating a row for each item while maintaining the relationship with the parent order data.

Advanced JSON Techniques in Snowflake

As you become more comfortable with basic JSON parsing, let’s explore some advanced techniques that will elevate your Snowflake JSON game.

Dynamic Schema Handling

Snowflake’s VARIANT type allows for handling dynamic schemas efficiently. Here’s an example of querying data with varying structures:

WITH dynamic_data AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(column1) AS data


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    (‘{“type”: “user”, “name”: “Alice”, “age”: 30}’),

    (‘{“type”: “product”, “name”: “Widget”, “price”: 19.99}’)



  data:type::STRING AS entity_type,

  data:name::STRING AS name,


    WHEN data:type::STRING = ‘user’ THEN data:age::INT

    WHEN data:type::STRING = ‘product’ THEN data:price::FLOAT

  END AS value

FROM dynamic_data;

This query demonstrates how to handle different JSON structures within the same column, adapting the query based on the data type.

Advanced Array Operations

Snowflake provides powerful functions for complex array manipulations:

— Array flattening and aggregation

WITH array_data AS (

  SELECT PARSE_JSON(‘{“id”: 1, “tags”: [“sql”, “json”, “analytics”]}’) AS data



  data:id::INT AS id,

  f.value::STRING AS tag,

  ARRAY_AGG(f.value) OVER (PARTITION BY data:id) AS all_tags

FROM array_data,

LATERAL FLATTEN(input => data:tags) f;

— Array element search and filtering

SELECT ARRAY_CONTAINS(‘json’, PARSE_JSON(‘[“sql”, “json”, “analytics”]’)) AS has_json;

— Complex array transformations


  PARSE_JSON(‘[“a”, “b”, “c”]’),

  ARRAY_SLICE(PARSE_JSON(‘[“d”, “e”, “f”]’), 1, 2)

) AS combined_array;

These examples showcase advanced array operations including flattening, aggregation, searching, and complex transformations.

JSON Path Expressions

Snowflake supports sophisticated JSON path expressions for querying complex nested structures:

WITH nested_json AS (


    “users”: [

      {“id”: 1, “name”: “Alice”, “orders”: [{“id”: 101, “total”: 50.00}, {“id”: 102, “total”: 75.50}]},

      {“id”: 2, “name”: “Bob”, “orders”: [{“id”: 201, “total”: 25.00}]}


  }’) AS data



  u.value:id::INT AS user_id,

  u.value:name::STRING AS user_name,

  o.value:id::INT AS order_id,

  o.value:total::FLOAT AS order_total

FROM nested_json,

LATERAL FLATTEN(input => data:users) u,

LATERAL FLATTEN(input => u.value:orders) o;

This query demonstrates how to navigate and extract data from deeply nested JSON structures using multiple FLATTEN operations and path expressions.

Optimizing JSON Data Querying in Snowflake

When working with large volumes of JSON data, performance considerations become crucial. Here are some strategies to optimize your JSON queries in Snowflake:

Materialized Views

Create materialized views that pre-extract commonly used JSON fields into columns for faster querying:



  raw_data:id::INT AS id,

  raw_data:name::STRING AS name,

  raw_data:age::INT AS age

FROM json_table;

JSON Compression

Enable JSON compression at the table level to reduce storage costs and improve query performance:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE large_json_table (

  id INT,

  json_data VARIANT




Partitioning and Clustering

Use appropriate partitioning and clustering keys to optimize query performance on large JSON datasets:


  event_date DATE,

  event_type STRING,

  event_data VARIANT


CLUSTER BY (event_date, event_type);

Leveraging Snowflake Features

  1. Caching: Snowflake’s result cache can significantly speed up repetitive queries on JSON data. Ensure your queries are deterministic to maximize cache hits.

Search Optimization: For frequent text-based searches within JSON fields, consider enabling search optimization:
ALTER TABLE your_json_table

  1. ADD SEARCH OPTIMIZATION ON (json_column);
  2. Query Profiling: Use Snowflake’s query profile to identify performance bottlenecks in JSON parsing operations.

Best Practices for JSON Handling in Snowflake

To ensure efficient processing and analysis of JSON data within Snowflake, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use Appropriate Type Casting: Always cast JSON values to the correct data type (e.g., ::INT, ::FLOAT, ::BOOLEAN) to ensure proper comparisons and calculations.
  2. Leverage VARIANT Type: When working with complex JSON structures, consider storing the entire JSON object as a VARIANT type and extracting specific fields as needed.
  3. Handle Null Values: Use the COALESCE function or NVL to provide default values for missing JSON properties.
  4. Optimize JSON Storage: Enable JSON compression at the table level to reduce storage costs and improve query performance.
  5. Use Flattening for Complex Structures: Utilize the FLATTEN function with LATERAL VIEW for efficiently querying nested arrays within JSON.
  6. Consider Materialized Views: For frequently accessed JSON fields, create materialized views that pre-extract these fields into columns.
  7. Implement Proper Indexing: For JSON columns that are frequently filtered or joined, consider extracting key fields into separate columns and creating appropriate indexes.
  8. Use Path Expressions Wisely: When accessing nested JSON properties, use dot notation for better readability and performance.
  9. Leverage JSON Functions: Familiarize yourself with Snowflake’s built-in JSON functions like OBJECT_CONSTRUCT, ARRAY_CONCAT, and OBJECT_INSERT for efficient JSON manipulation.
  10. Implement Error Handling: Use TRY_CAST or TRY_TO_NUMBER when parsing JSON fields that may contain unexpected data types to prevent query failures.
  11. Optimize for Querying: When designing JSON structures, consider how the data will be queried. Flatten nested structures where appropriate for easier querying.
  12. Use JSON Validation: Implement JSON validation checks to ensure data integrity, especially when ingesting data from external sources.

Time to Elevate Your Snowflake JSON Game

Mastering JSON data parsing in Snowflake opens up a world of possibilities for data analysis and integration. From simple extractions to complex nested structures, you now have the tools to tackle any JSON challenge that comes your way.

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Julian Alvarado Content Marketing
Julian is a dynamic B2B marketer with 8+ years of experience creating full-funnel marketing journeys, leveraging an analytical background in biological sciences to examine customer needs.
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