350,000+ happy users

Mailchimp Contact Dashboard for Google Sheets

Gain complete visibility into the trend lines of your Mailchimp email contacts. Powered by your live Mailchimp data.

Trusted by thousands of companies
Mailchimp Contact Dashboard
Powered up Powered by YOUR live data
"Coefficient's Google Sheets templates are the next step in spreadsheet evolution–connected spreadsheets. Connected sheets mean faster, better, and more accurate analysis by everyone–especially if you can't code!"
Evan Cover Director, BI Engineering and Governance, Klaviyo

Monitor your audience growth. Build your subscriber base.

Leverage our free, pre-built Mailchimp Contact Dashboard to track your email contacts, measure subscriber trends, and find new avenues for growth.

The dashboard harnesses your live Mailchimp data to visualize trend lines for sign-ups and subscribers, so you can adjust your email strategy accordingly.

With this dashboard, you can:

  • Keep a firm grasp on your audience: view high level metrics for contacts added by signup month, top subscriber sources, top unsubscribe reasons, and more.
  • Leverage a global filter on your dashboard, honing in on different mailing years, subscriber countries, and contact sources
  • Update this dashboard to better suit your analytical needs: add your own custom Mailchimp fields as needed
  • Import data from other sources, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, MySQL, and many others to create powerful combination dashboards with a centralized view

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