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Website Traffic Report Template For Google Sheets

Looking for a better way to keep track of your website’s traffic growth and overall performance? This free website traffic performance dashboard lives in your Google Sheets and is connected directly to your Google Analytics (GA4 & Universal Analytics).

Trusted by thousands of companies
Google Analytics Website Performance Report
Powered up Powered by YOUR live data
"Coefficient's Google Sheets templates are the next step in spreadsheet evolution–connected spreadsheets. Connected sheets mean faster, better, and more accurate analysis by everyone–especially if you can't code!"
Evan Cover Director, BI Engineering and Governance, Klaviyo

Use pre-built Google Analytics report templates (GA4 & Universal Analytics)

Website traffic is a powerful lever to drive revenue, but does it have to be so difficult to report on? When you set targets, it pays to have the most up-to-date and accurate website performance data in one place.

This Website Traffic Report template will help you:

  • Visualize and track your Website performance in real time, all in one place
  • Dive deep into the traffic acquisition and most prevalent pages along with their metrics
  • Easily extract your audience’s behavior specifics
  • Get a detailed summary that includes all the essential Google Analytics metrics

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