350,000+ happy users

Sales Team Leaderboard for Google Sheets

Track your company, team, and individual sales performances with pre-built leaderboards in Google Sheets. Powered by your HubSpot CRM data.

Trusted by thousands of companies
Hubspot Sales Reports - Team Leaderboard
Powered up Powered by YOUR live data
"Coefficient's Google Sheets templates are the next step in spreadsheet evolution–connected spreadsheets. Connected sheets mean faster, better, and more accurate analysis by everyone–especially if you can't code!"
Evan Cover Director, BI Engineering and Governance, Klaviyo

Drive Performance for Teams and Reps. Keep the Wins Coming.

Coefficient’s Sales Team Leaderboard lets you foster a high-performance sales culture that thrives on winning. Harness pre-built leaderboard dashboards that visualize revenue, deals created, win rate, and other sales goals for individuals and teams across time periods and deal types.

Sales Team Leaderboard boosts performance:

  • For either your teams or individuals, see how they rank across all core business metrics
  • Quickly identify who has the highest win rate, best pipeline creation stats, shortest deal lifecycles and more
  • When reviewing a team or individual’s performance, simply select their name to highlight their ranking on all charts
  • Optional: Track sales activity performance, like meetings booked, emails sent and calls made

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