Facebooks Metrics: How to Download and Report on Your Facebook Data in Google Sheets

Published: October 20, 2023 - 4 min read

Julian Alvarado
Discover how to easily analyze Facebook metrics in Google Sheets with Coefficient.

Marketers rely on Facebook metrics to gain insights into their audiences and create more effective campaigns.

For many organizations, reporting on Facebook data is a two-part equation: Facebook Ads expand your reach; Audience Insights metrics help you understand them.

This understanding can help marketers create content their audiences will love – and help find others who might like it, too.

Easy, right? Not necessarily.

Facebook Insights metrics give marketers a wealth of information; the challenge is actioning it.

Marketers love deep-diving into their data, slicing and dicing data as they wish. Unfortunately, that level of granularity isn’t possible in Facebook Insights.

Coefficient fills that gap, giving marketers the ability to explore and report on their Facebook metrics within the comfort of their spreadsheet.

Read on to learn how.  

Step-by-Step Guide: Facebook Metrics in Google Sheets

Coefficient is a free Google Sheets add-on that allows marketers to analyze all their LIVE Facebook metrics, including Facebook Insights and Facebook Ads, in their spreadsheet.

No manual copying, no CSV uploads, no errors; just the Facebook metrics you need in the format you want.

The result is streamlined analysis and reporting, so you can focus on what matters most: building your audience.  

Here’s how it works.

Prefer a visual guide? Watch the full tutorial below to learn how you can import your metrics from Facebook Insights into your spreadsheet.

How to Connect Facebook Insights to Google Sheets

To get started, install Coefficient from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Open a new spreadsheet and click ‘Extensions > Add-ons -> Get add-ons.

navigate to the google workspace marketplace to

Search for “Coefficient” in the Marketplace menu and select the first app that appears in the search results.

Search for “Coefficient” in the Marketplace menu

Accept the prompts to complete the installation.

grant coefficient permissio nto access your google account

Once finished, go back to your spreadsheet.

Click Extensions and select Coefficient from the drop-down to launch the app.

launch coefficient after installation

Coefficient will appear in the sidebar of your spreadsheet. Click ‘Import from…’

Open Coefficient and click on ‘Import from…’

Scroll down until you find Facebook Insights. Click ‘Connect.’

Select ‘Facebook Insights’ from the list

Coefficient will request access to your Google Account. Click ‘Authorize’ to continue.

Click the button to authorize the connection.

Log in to your Facebook account and click ‘Continue as…’ to grant Coefficient access to your account.

 click ‘Continue as…’ to grant Coefficient access to your account.

After you connect your Facebook account, return to the Coefficient menu.

Click ‘Start from scratch.’

Coefficient Excel Google Sheets Connectors
314,000 Pros Sync Live Data from Their Business Systems into Spreadsheet

Stop exporting data manually. Sync data from your business systems into Google Sheets or Excel with Coefficient and set it on a refresh schedule.

Click ‘Start from scratch.’

Coefficient gives you the option to import engagement metrics at the page or post-level.

In this example, select ‘Page Insights’ and click ‘Next’ to continue.  

select ‘Page Insights’ and click ‘Next’ to continue

Navigate to the left panel of the Import Preview.

Navigate to the left panel of the Import Preview.

Coefficient gives you three options to fine-tune your import:

  • Metrics: Search for the metrics you want to include in your import (e.g. Engaged Users, Total Impressions, Total Reach, etc.)
  • Aggregation Period: Select the time frame you want to view the metric (Daily, 7-day rolling aggregate, or 28-day rolling aggregate).   
  • Dimension: Allows you to segment data to analyze your Facebook page based on specific criteria like city or country.

Note: Dimensions are only available for the ‘Total Impressions’ metric. You must remove all other metrics from your import to access the dropdown.  

Customize the import by sorting data and/or row limits as needed.

Customize the import by sorting data and/or row limits as needed.

Ensure your Import contains the exact data you’re looking to report on in Google Sheets by clicking the ‘Refresh Preview’ button to update the preview window based on your additions.

See the data you need? Click the ‘Import’ button in the top right corner to proceed.

Click the ‘Import’ button in the top right corner to proceed.

And that’s it!

Your customized Facebook metrics import will automatically appear in your spreadsheet.

Your customized Facebook metrics import will automatically appear in your spreadsheet


  • Page Insights data is only available on Pages with 100 or more likes
  • Most metrics will update once every 24 hours

You’ll see the option to set your data on a refresh schedule right inside of the sidebar app, or you can refresh the data anytime you need by clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button in the top, blue bar on Row 1 of your data import.

Pro tip: Looking to blend your Facebook data with data from other ads platforms, GA4, Google Search Console, your CRM, etc.? Coefficient offers many other Google Sheets connectors to simplify the data blending process.

Action Your Facebook Metrics with Coefficient and Google Sheets

Marketers ask a lot of their data. Every answer is likely to lead to another question.

Coefficient and Google Sheets give marketers the power and flexibility to analyze and report on all their Facebook metrics without the hassle of manually copying data, downloading CSVs, and more.

Get started for free to connect your Facebook Insights metrics to Google Sheets today!

Sync Live Data into Your Spreadsheet

Connect Google Sheets or Excel to your business systems, import your data, and set it on a refresh schedule.

Try the Spreadsheet Automation Tool Over 350,000 Professionals are Raving About

Tired of spending endless hours manually pushing and pulling data into Google Sheets? Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to efficiency with Coefficient, the leading spreadsheet automation tool trusted by over 350,000 professionals worldwide.

Sync data from your CRM, database, ads platforms, and more into Google Sheets in just a few clicks. Set it on a refresh schedule. And, use AI to write formulas and SQL, or build charts and pivots.

Julian Alvarado Content Marketing
Julian is a dynamic B2B marketer with 8+ years of experience creating full-funnel marketing journeys, leveraging an analytical background in biological sciences to examine customer needs.
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