Accidentally overwritten your Excel file? Don’t panic. This guide shows you how to recover previous versions and safeguard your work.
Understanding Excel’s Version History Features
Excel offers several built-in options for recovering previous versions of your files. Let’s explore these methods:
AutoRecover: Your First Line of Defense
AutoRecover is Excel’s automatic saving feature that creates temporary backups of your work.
Step 1: Check if AutoRecover is enabled.
- Open Excel and go to File > Options > Save.

- Ensure “Save AutoRecover information every X minutes” is checked.

- Set the interval to 5-10 minutes for frequent saves.
Step 2: Locate AutoRecover files.
- If Excel crashes, reopen it.
- Look for a Document Recovery pane on the left.
- Select the most recent AutoRecover version of your file.
Step 3: Save the recovered file.
- Once opened, immediately save the recovered file with a new name.
- This preserves the recovered version separately from the original.
File History: Windows’ Built-in Backup Solution
Windows File History creates regular backups of your files, including Excel documents.
Step 1: Enable File History.
- Open Windows Settings > Update & Security > Backup.

- Turn on “Automatically back up my files.”
- Select a backup drive (external hard drive recommended).
Step 2: Restore a previous version.
- Right-click on your Excel file in File Explorer.
- Select “Restore previous versions.”
- Choose the desired version and click “Restore.”
OneDrive Version History: Cloud-Based Recovery
If you use OneDrive to store your Excel files, you can access version history directly through the cloud.
Step 1: Access OneDrive version history.
- Go to and sign in.

- Right-click on your Excel file.
- Select “Version history.”

Step 2: Restore a previous version.
- Review the list of available versions.

- Click on a version to preview it.
- Select “Restore” to revert to that version.

Advanced Methods for Excel File Recovery
Using VBA to Create Automatic Backups
You can use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to create a macro that automatically saves versions of your Excel file.
Step 1: Open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Press Alt + F11 in Excel.
Step 2: Insert a new module.
- Click Insert > Module.

Step 3: Add the following VBA code:
Sub AutoBackup()
Dim BackupPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileExtension As String
‘Set the backup folder path
BackupPath = “C:\ExcelBackups\”
‘Create the backup folder if it doesn’t exist

Stop exporting data manually. Sync data from your business systems into Google Sheets or Excel with Coefficient and set it on a refresh schedule.
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If Dir(BackupPath, vbDirectory) = “” Then
MkDir BackupPath
End If
‘Get the current file name and extension
FileName = ThisWorkbook.Name
FileExtension = “.” & Split(FileName, “.”)(UBound(Split(FileName, “.”)))
‘Save a copy with a timestamp
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs BackupPath & Left(FileName, Len(FileName) – Len(FileExtension)) & “_” & Format(Now, “yyyymmdd_hhmmss”) & FileExtension
End Sub
Step 4: Set up the macro to run automatically.
- Go to File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar.
- Under “Choose commands from,” select Macros.

- Add the AutoBackup macro to your Quick Access Toolbar.

Recovering Unsaved Excel Files
If you forgot to save your Excel file before closing, there’s still hope.
Step 1: Open Excel and check for unsaved files.
- Go to File > Open > Recent.

- Click on “Recover Unsaved Workbooks” at the bottom.
Step 2: Locate your unsaved file.
- Browse through the list of unsaved files.
- Open the file that matches your work.
Step 3: Save the recovered file.
- Click “Save As” to preserve the recovered version.
Safeguarding Your Excel Work
Restoring previous versions of Excel files is crucial for protecting your data and productivity. By utilizing built-in features like AutoRecover and File History, along with cloud-based solutions like OneDrive, you can ensure that your valuable Excel work is always recoverable.
Remember to implement regular backup strategies and version control practices to minimize the risk of data loss. With these tools and techniques at your disposal, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any Excel file recovery challenges that come your way.
For even more robust data management and version control capabilities, consider using Coefficient. This powerful add-on seamlessly integrates with your Excel workflow, providing advanced features for data synchronization and collaboration. Get started with Coefficient today to take your Excel data management to the next level.