350,000+ happy users

Mailchimp Campaign Performance Dashboard for Google Sheets

Gain a full overview of how your email campaigns are performing across your audience segments, directly inside Google Sheets. Powered by your live Mailchimp data.

Trusted by thousands of companies
Mailchimp Campaign Performance Dashboard
Powered up Powered by YOUR live data
"Coefficient's Google Sheets templates are the next step in spreadsheet evolution–connected spreadsheets. Connected sheets mean faster, better, and more accurate analysis by everyone–especially if you can't code!"
Evan Cover Director, BI Engineering and Governance, Klaviyo

Easily track campaign performance. Drive revenue with audience insights.

Harness our free, pre-built Mailchimp Campaign Performance Dashboard to gain a complete overview of how your email campaigns are performing with your audiences.

Incorporate insights from your top campaigns, campaign funnels, ad spend, and more to maximize your email channels and drive more revenue through audience engagement.

Our pre-designed Mailchimp Campaign Performance Dashboard runs on your live Mailchimp data, directly from Google Sheets. Access all the charts and dashboards you need, directly from your spreadsheet, to position your email strategy.

The Mailchimp Campaign Performance Dashboard empowers you to supercharge your email operation, in ways such as the following:

  • Quickly view top campaigns metrics by click rate, campaign conversion analysis, top campaigns by revenue, top campaigns by return on ad spend, and a summary of your campaign metrics.
  • Apply a global filter on your dashboard to isolate individual subject lines and track performance for each one.
  • Easily adjust your data import to update this dashboard for your specific use case. Add your own custom Mailchimp fields as needed by launching the Coefficient add-on.
  • Import data from other sources, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, MySQL, and many others to produce combination dashboards with a centralized view.

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