How to Connect LinkedIn Ads to Excel

Last Modified: April 1, 2024 - 5 min read

Julian Alvarado

Are you looking for a quick guide on how to connect LinkedIn ads to Excel? You’re in the right place.

LinkedIn Ads provides valuable insights into your B2B campaigns, but truly unleashing that data’s potential requires a more versatile tool – like Excel.

And let’s face it, getting that data into Excel can be a hassle. Manual exports are time-consuming and prone to errors. That’s where this guide comes in.

We’ll show you three methods to link your LinkedIn Ads data to Excel, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Why Connect LinkedIn Ads to Excel?

Before we dive into the “how,” let’s talk about the “why.” Here are three key benefits of analyzing your LinkedIn Ads data in Excel:

  1. Customized Reporting: With Excel, you’re in control. Create reports tailored to your exact needs, with the metrics and visuals that matter most to you and your stakeholders.
  2. Historical Analysis: Excel can handle vast amounts of data, so you can combine current and historical performance data to uncover trends and patterns that inform smarter strategies.
  3. Advanced Calculations: Excel’s functions let you manipulate data in ways LinkedIn’s native analytics can’t. Perform complex calculations, segment your data, and gain deeper insights.

How to Connect LinkedIn Ads to Excel: 3 Methods

Method 1| Coefficient: No-Code, Fully Automated

Coefficient is the fastest, easiest way to export LinkedIn Ads data to Excel for technical and non-technical users alike.

Coefficient’s no-code interface makes it easy for anyone to safely get the data they need into their Connected Spreadsheet in a few clicks. This is particularly useful for Excel for Web users who do not have access to Power Query.

To install Coefficient, open Excel from your desktop or in Office Online.

Click ‘File’ > ‘Get Add-ins’ > ‘More Add-Ins.’

Navigating through Excel's File menu to access the Get Add-ins feature.

Type “Coefficient” in the search bar and click  ‘Add.’

Typing "Coefficient" in the Excel Add-ins search bar and adding it.

A pop-up will open up. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Following installation prompts in a pop-up window for Coefficient in Excel.

Once finished, you will see a “Coefficient” tab at the top navigation bar.

Click ‘Open Sidebar’ to launch Coefficient.

Coefficient tab appearing in Excel's top navigation upon installation completion.

Select ‘Import from…’

Selecting 'Import from…' option within the Coefficient sidebar.

Scroll down until you find LinkedIn Ads and click ‘Connect.’

Finding and connecting to LinkedIn Ads via Coefficient.

Follow the prompts to authorize Coefficient to your LinkedIn Ads account.

Authorizing Coefficient access to the LinkedIn Ads account

Enter your LinkedIn Ads email and password. Click ‘Sign In’ to complete the authorization.

Signing in to authorize Coefficient using LinkedIn Ads account credentials.

Return to LinkedIn Ads from the Coefficient menu ‘Import from…’ > ‘LinkedIn Ads’ > ‘Start from Scratch.’

Starting from scratch in Coefficient for LinkedIn Ads data import.

Select the Metrics, Pivot, and Time Granularity needed for your import. Click inside the white box area for each section to search for the fields you need.

The data previewer shows a sample of the data from the fields you select.

Selecting Metrics, Pivot, and Time Granularity options for LinkedIn Ads import in Coefficient.

Customize your import by adding filters and/or row limits as needed.

Click the ‘Refresh Preview’ option to update the sample data based on the customizations that are added.

Previewing LinkedIn Ads data sample in Coefficient's data previewer.

Click ‘Import’ to automatically export your LinkedIn Ads data to Excel.

Fine-tuning LinkedIn Ads import settings in Coefficient with filters and row limits.

You can also set up automatic data updates to schedule data syncs between LinkedIn Ads and Excel. Choose whether to run daily, hourly, or weekly automatic data updates.

Refreshing the data preview in Coefficient for updated LinkedIn Ads samples.

With automatic data updates, your LinkedIn Ads data is always up-to-date in your spreadsheet. That means you can build live dashboards and reports on top of the data without performing cumbersome manual updates.


  • Easy to use, even for non-technical users
  • Quick setup and data access
  • Automatic data refresh keeps reports current


  • Scheduled automations require a paid plan (but it’s affordable and worth it)

Method 2| Manual Export and Import

Log into LinkedIn and navigate to ‘Advertise’ in the top menu. Or, sign in to Campaign Manager directly.

Logging into LinkedIn to access the Advertise feature or Campaign Manager.

Use the tabs at the top of the page to select the correct campaign groups, campaigns, or ads.

Coefficient Excel Google Sheets Connectors
425,000 Pros Sync Live Data from Their Business Systems into Spreadsheet

Stop exporting data manually. Sync data from your business systems into Google Sheets or Excel with Coefficient and set it on a refresh schedule.

Navigating through LinkedIn Ads' campaign groups, campaigns, or ads tabs.

Confirm the Time range at the top right of the page, and click the ‘Export’ button at the top of the page.

Confirming the time range and exporting campaign data in LinkedIn Ads.

Select ‘Report Type’ and the time breakdown of your report (Daily, Monthly or All), and click ‘Export’ to download the report.


  • Ideal for one-time or infrequent analysis


  • Time-consuming and repetitive for regular reporting
  • Manual updates needed for fresh data
  • Risk of errors in data handling

Method 3| Zapier

Zapier Integration Zapier is a web-based service that allows you to create automated workflows between different apps, including LinkedIn Ads and Excel.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set it up:

Log into your Zapier account. Click ‘+ Create’ > ‘New Zap.’

Creating a new Zap workflow in a Zapier account.

Choose LinkedIn Ads as your trigger app and select the event that will trigger the workflow (e.g., New Report)

Selecting LinkedIn Ads as the trigger app for a Zapier workflow.

Choose LinkedIn Ads as your trigger app and select the event that will trigger the workflow (e.g., New Report). Follow the prompts to connect your LinkedIn Ads account to Zapier.

Connect your LinkedIn Ads account to Zapier by providing your API key, following the steps above.

Choose Microsoft Excel Online as your action app.

Choosing Microsoft Excel Online as the action app in a Zap workflow.

Select “Create Spreadsheet Row” as the action event.

Configuring 'Create Spreadsheet Row' as the Zapier action for data entry.

Follow the prompts to connect your Microsoft account.

Connecting a Microsoft account to complete Zapier workflow setup.

From here:

  • Map the data fields from LinkedIn Ads to the corresponding columns in your Excel spreadsheet.
  • Test your Zap to ensure it’s working correctly.
  • Turn on your Zap, and it will automatically add new Microsoft Ads data to your Excel spreadsheet as it comes in.


  • Automates data transfer between LinkedIn Ads and Excel
  • No coding skills needed
  • Customizable trigger options (daily, weekly, monthly)


  • Advanced features and high-volume tasks require a paid Zapier plan
  • Less flexibility in customization compared to other methods
  • Reliant on Zapier’s platform performance and stability

Connect LinkedIn Ads Data to Excel Today

Don’t let data silos hold you back. Start connecting your LinkedIn Ads data to Excel today and unlock the full potential of your campaigns. Your future self (and your boss) will thank you.

Ready to get started?

Visit Coefficient’s website to learn more and begin your free trial. Your LinkedIn Ads data is waiting.

Sync Live Data into Your Spreadsheet

Connect Google Sheets or Excel to your business systems, import your data, and set it on a refresh schedule.

Try the Spreadsheet Automation Tool Over 500,000 Professionals are Raving About

Tired of spending endless hours manually pushing and pulling data into Google Sheets? Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to efficiency with Coefficient, the leading spreadsheet automation tool trusted by over 350,000 professionals worldwide.

Sync data from your CRM, database, ads platforms, and more into Google Sheets in just a few clicks. Set it on a refresh schedule. And, use AI to write formulas and SQL, or build charts and pivots.

Julian Alvarado Content Marketing
Julian is a dynamic B2B marketer with 8+ years of experience creating full-funnel marketing journeys, leveraging an analytical background in biological sciences to examine customer needs.
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