Affiliate Program

500,000+ happy users

Become a Coefficient Affiliate

Introduce your network to live data in spreadsheets. Get 20% referral share for the first year from each sale. Affiliates can be individuals or agencies.

How Our Affiliate Program Works

Coefficient is changing the way business teams work by connecting spreadsheets to live data from any company system. When you introduce your clients to Coefficient, they will be able to integrate live data into their spreadsheets and accelerate their work with just a few clicks.
It takes only a few minutes to provide your information. You’ll receive an invite email to Rewardful, our affiliate tracking platform, if approved.
Grab Your Link
Once you receive your invite email, sign up to Rewardful and grab your referral link in your personal affiliate dashboard.
Start Referring
Share personally in Slack communities, via email, or with a wide audience across your social channels. Build an additional source of revenue.

Spreadsheet-as-a-Hub, Seamlessly Connected and Secure

One click connectors

Connect Google Sheets to your company systems, business apps, and organizational data sources with our one-click connectors.

2-Way Sync

Automatically bulk export data from Sheets to your source systems using Coefficient’s 2-way syncing capability.

Automatic Data Refreshes

Always work with live data. Schedule data updates hourly, daily, or weekly, or refresh data in a single click.


Coefficient automatically duplicates a copy of your current Sheet before data refreshes so you can preserve historical data.

Slack & Email Monitoring

Trigger Slack and email alerts when cells change values or conditions, notifying chosen recipients instantly when key data changes.

Team notifications

Automatically deliver team notifications via Slack and email. Send daily or weekly digest of changes, so your team can monitor critical reports & KPIs seamlessly.


We’re offering 20% of a referred customer’s first year’s subscription to our affiliates. Learn more about our terms and conditions – there is a TL;DR section that makes things simple.

Coefficient processes affiliate payouts on a monthly basis via PayPal. You will include your PayPal information upon signing up for Rewardful.

Affiliates are issued a unique code to place on the backend of any URL. You can use your affiliate links across any channels, excluding paid advertising.

Our tracking cookies last 90 days, meaning that if a visitor clicks on your referral link, you will be credited with the referral as long as the visitor signs up for a free trial within 90 days. If the user becomes a paying customer within the first year, you will earn a commission.

Please reach out to us at